Respect to Diversify

by LauraLynn Jansen


Diversity … the quality of having many different forms.

Respect ….a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.


The ancient tools of Yoga are able to assist us with the modern day movement toward fully embracing and respecting, that which is diverse from ourselves. The path of Yoga requests us to be fully present to our individual “story.” This same attention and intention shown outwardly demonstrates respect to others. It is beyond an “act of embracing.” The art of “being present” offers respect for the gifts another possesses. By respecting the variedness of each other we begin to truly allow each of us to be known to the other. This is not a fake it to you make it thing.

The groups I gathered with as I obtained a bachelor’s degree in women’s studies, in the heart of a very diverse city – San Francisco, taught me to always ask these questions. Who is present? Who is absent? How did I contribute to the gathering of these individuals? I also created a follow up question for myself. What will diversify our next gathering?

The long-term beauty of this line of questioning, is how it’s created a life of beautiful range of experiences and friends. I’ve definitely made “mistakes” along the way. However, the community of friends – of many body types, cultures, and beyond – know my respect for them, and they for me. We have an unspoken alliance of love and fierceness of calling each other forth.

Over the last couple decades I have added Yogic principles (limbs, etc.) as my added guide to truly living. I’ve entrusted the wisdom of these ancient teachings to steer me. Following this directing is where the idea of theYoke originated. All my training and learning over the decades has kept my eye on how folks are accessing the growing phenomenon of Yoga. The exclusivity of it across the country and beyond was blaring evident. Now I am back to those questions as my part of my daily planning for theYoke’s present and future. Who is present? Who is absent? How do I contribute to this separation? Where and how can I alter this course?

Namaste (truly),



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